About Us
Welcome to the official website of CASLAR Association
In 2010 the CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research) project was launched by Professor Istvan Kecskes (State University of New York at Albany, US) with the goal to establish an independent research organization with its biannual conference, journal and international association and to transform a field from a primarily experience-and practice based discipline into a field based on and supported by research and theory. CASLAR attempts to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language, to survey available knowledge in the field, exchange ideas and initiate research projects. The first CASLAR conference was held at Zhejiang University, China 2010, the second one was at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei in 2012, and the third one was at the University of Parma, Italy in 2014. At the conference in Parma CASLAR was transformed into CASLAR Association by the participants. The fourth CASLAR conference was held in East China Normal University in Shanghai in August 19-21.
Founding Members of the Association:
President: Istvan Kecskes (State University of New York, Albany)
Executive Secretary: Carlotta Sparvoli (University of Parma, Italy)
President’s Advisory Board
Jane Orton, University of Melbourne, Melbourne
Shih-Chang Hsin, National Taiwan Normal University
Lizhen Peng, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
Executive Board Members:
Shen Jiaxuan, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Wu Weiping, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Alain Peyraube, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Paris, France)
Jane Medwell, University of Nottingham
Xiaolu Wang, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
ZhaoHong Han, Columbia University
Jianqin Wang, Professor, Beijing Language University
Jianming Lu, Peking University
Hongyin Tao, University of California, Los Angeles
Helen Shen, University of Iowa
The President’s Advisory Board members and the Executive Secretary are also members of the Executive Board.
CASLAR(汉语作为第二语言研究)研究运动由纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校IstvanKecskes教授于2010年发起,旨在建立一个汉语为第二语言研究(CASLAR)的新学术领域。CASLAR每两年召开一次国际研讨会,有自己的同名期刊(CASLAR)。CASLAR的目标是把基于实践和经验的汉语研究引向一个基于科研和理论的新方向。CASLAR力图凝聚全球研究汉语作为第二语言的习得、发展与运用的专家、学者,探讨交流汉语研究领域中知识概念、构想和科研项目。第一届CASLAR国际研讨会于2010年在中国的浙江大学召开。第二届于2012年在台湾师范大学召开。2014年在意大利的帕玛大学(University of Parma)召开了第三届CASLAR国际研讨会。在此次会议上,CASLAR学会正式成立。第四届CASLAR大会于2016年8月19-21日在华东师范大学召开。
主席:Istvan Kecskes (纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校)
执行秘书:Carlotta Sparvoli (帕玛大学,意大利)
Jane Orton (墨尔本大学)
Shih-Chang Hsin (国立台湾师范大学)
沈家煊 (中国社会科学院)
Weiping Wu (香港中文大学)
Alain Peyraube (法国国家科学研究中心)
Jane Medwell (诺丁汉大学)
王小潞 (浙江大学)
Zhaohong Han (哥伦比亚大学)
王建勤 (北京语言大学)
陆俭明 (北京大学)
陶红印 (加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校)
Helen Shen (爱荷华大学)