First CASLAR Conference held in 2010 第一届汉语作为第二语言研究国际研讨会于2010年召开
Time: August 27-29, 2010
Venue: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Zhejiang University
Center for the Study of Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University
Conference Co-Chairs:
Professor Huang Huaxin, Director, Center for the Study of Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR China
Professor Istvan Kecskes, Editor-in-chief of Intercultural Pragmatics, State University of New York, Albany, USA
Scientific Committee:
Chair: Professor Fan Jieping, Dean of Falculty of Humanities, Zhejiang University
Organizing Committee:
Professor Huang Jianbin, Chinese Culture International Promotion Center/ School of International Studies, Zhejiang University
Peng Lizhen, Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University
Liu Hui, Vice dean of International College of Education, Zhejiang University
Wang Xiaolu, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University
Meeting Description:
With rapidly growing interest in Chinese as a second language in the world, scholars and institutions involved in the study of Chinese as a second language have a very important task. They should transform a field from a discipline primarily based on experience and practice into one based on and supported by research and theory. Therefore, the goal of the conference is to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language to survey knowledge available in the field, exchange ideas and initiate research projects. The keynote speakers will be leading national and international scholars.
Language of the meeting will be:
1) English, because the main goal of the conference is to survey and disseminate knowledge available in the field of Chinese as a Second Language Research in the world. Only papers in English will be considered for the representative volume of selected papers titled: “Research in Chinese as a Second Language” to be published by Mouton de Gruyter, and also for the proceedings to be published by Zhejiang University.
2) Chinese, for experts in China and abroad who are teaching Chinese as a second language or doing research in this field. Papers in Chinese can only be considered for the proceedings to be published by Zhejiang University.
Several parallel sessions will be organized for participants from China, whose papers are written in Chinese.
All keynote speeches will be given in English at the conference.
Call for Papers:
CASLAR 2010 invites proposals for presentations that are related to research, and theory in any area of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Those wishing to participate should prepare abstracts for 20 minute presentations (15 minutes plus 5 minute Q & A). Below are some suggested categories for topics, though submissions need not be limited to these.
Suggested Topic Areas:
– acquisition and development of CSL,
– pragmatics of using Chinese as a second language,
– assessment of proficiency in CSL,
– application of linguistic theories to Chinese L2 data,
– cognitive aspects of CSL acquisition,
– technology and CSL,
– computer-mediated communication in CSL,
– acquisition of Chinese grammar,
– vocabulary studies,
– discourse in CSL,
– designing materials for CSL instruction,
– conceptual socialization in the process of developing CSL
– character acquisition and recognition,
– motivation to learn Chinese,
– effect of CSL on L1,
– role of culture in the acquisition of CSL,
Conference papers will be published in two publications:
1) A representative volume of selected papers titled: “Research in Chinese as a Second Language” will be published by Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin/New York. All participants of the conference are entitled to submit his/her paper in English forconsideration for the volume. However, only cc. 16-20 papers will be selected for publication.
2) Zhejiang University will publish the proceedings of the conference.
Registration fees:
Payable on site, students: 50% discount.
Conference fees are set according to your country tier (the country of residence –not the country of origin).
Please visit our conference website to find out what tier you qualify for.
Tier 1: £120/$200/E170
Tier 2: £90/$150/E130
Tier 3: £60/$100/E85
For domestic participants: RMB600
The rate covers a half-day tour, tea/coffee, three lunches, two dinners and one banquet. Registration Fee for Accompanying Guests: $55 (for each accompanying guest): Including all meals for 3 days and organized tourism.
Hangzhou is well-kown for its beautiful West Lake, so the best place to stay is near the lake. We highly recommend that you stay at Lily Hotel, Lingfeng Guest House or Yu Quan Hotel in order to benefit from being close to the lake– (See Recommended hotel below)
Recommended hotels *
–Lingfeng Guest House
Address: 20 Yugu Road (located near the city centre and the West Lake , about 15-20 minutes by coach to the University)
Standard double room rate: US$35(RMB280) per room per night and the rate includes breakfast at the hotel Address of Lingfeng Guest House: 140 Yugu Road, Westlake District, Hanghzou.
Tel: +86 571 87952568/87972456. (Near the gate of Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus).
–Lily Hotel*
Address: 156 Shuguang Road (located near the city centre and the West Lake, about 15-20 minutes by coach to the University)
Standard double room rate: US$58(RMB460) per room per night and the rate includes breakfast at the hotel Address of Lily Hotel: 156 Shuguang Road, Westlake District, Hanghzou.
Tel: 400-677-3040. (five-minute walk to the gate of Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus).
–Yu Quan Hotel (mainly for domestic guests):
A standard double bedroom (two separate beds) with breakfast, US$35(RMB280) per room per night.
Address: 138 Yugu Road, Westlake District, Hanghzou. Tel: +86 571 87982678.
*Important Notes:
Please let us know – no later than 30 of June – the nights when you require accommodation so we could make reservations for you. You may pay for the accommodation when checking in. If you ever want to share with others to split the price, please tell us too.
If you wish to arrange alternative accommodation, you may find some of the following links useful.
By plane:
Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province and one of China’s premier tourism cities. Hangzhou has scheduled flights connecting flights to and from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Guilin, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi’an,
Dalian, Hong Kong, Macao, and other major domestic Chinese cities. Also, Hangzhou offers flights to and from
Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Pusan, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. The airport is situated 27km of the town.
A public bus costing RMB20 operates to the center of town from the airport.
From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Hangzhou:
There is a shuttle bus from Pudong Airport to Hangzhou (direct and about 3 hours) and the fare is RMB100 or 85. From Pudong International Airport to Hangzhou: 9:50am; 11:00am; 12:00am; 13:30pm; 15:30pm; 17:30pm; 19:30pm. From Hanghou Huanglong Stadium to Shanghai: 7:00am; 8:30am, 10:30am; 12:30am; 13:30pm; 14:30pm; 16:00pm. Just out of the No.15 exit and cross the street and get upstairs, you will find the ticket office and it is much easier than going by train. Once you arrive in Hangzhou, you can take a taxi to Lingfeng Shanzhuang/ Lily Hotel/ Yuquan Hotel (around 20RMB). Please download the hotel address card in both Chinese and English. You can show it to the taxi driver in case you have difficulty in communication.
It is also an option to fly into Shanghai and then take a train from Shanghai Station to Hanghzou Station (or Hangzhou East Station). The train journey is between one hour and 20 minutes to three hours depending on which train you catch. You can take a taxi from the airport to Shanghai South Railway Station or Shanghai Railway Station. When you go to the booth in the train station to buy the ticket, write down on a piece of paper the time and date of departure, destination, and number of tickets you want to buy. Show this paper to the clerk at the booth in order to avoid a misunderstanding. There are four classes of tickets available: Soft sleeper, hard sleeper, soft seater, and hard seater. Soft seaters are very comfortable. Hard seaters are the lowest class of them all, and the cheapest.
From Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport:
If you fly from abroad to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport, you can take a taxi to the hotel. The fare is around RMB120. You can also choose to take the airport shuttle bus to downtown. (one in every half an hour from 5:45am to 8:00pm, the fare is about RMB20). Then you can take a taxi to Lingfeng Shanzhuang/ Lily Hotel/ Yuquan Hotel (around 15RMB).
From the Railway Station (Hangzhou):
By train:
Hangzhou is a large rail traffic terminal in eastern China. The city is the starting point for several routes such as Zhejiang-Jiangxi, Hangzhou-Ningbo, and the Zhejiang-Changsha lines as well as the end of the line for the Shanghai-Hangzhou service.
When you arrive at Hangzhou Railway Station (火车城站), you can either take a taxi to Lingfeng Shanzhuang/ Lily Hotel/ Yuquan Hotel (both are near the Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang Univeristy) or take the number 21 bus to the front gate of Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University. If you arrive at Hangzhou Eastern Railway Station(火车东站), you can either take a taxi or take the number 28 bus to the front gate of Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University.
By boat:
Along the Grand Canal, there are pleasure boat trips to Suzhou, or down to Fuyang, Jiande, Lanxi and other cities in Zhejiang Province along the Qiantang River.
By Long-distance bus:
Situated at the heart of Zhejiang’s highway network, Hangzhou is connected with Shanghai and Nanjing by major highways.
If you have any question, please contact the conference organizers at the following email address:
CASLAR [email protected]; [email protected]
Important Dates:
– Abstract Submissions Due: February 28, 2010
– Acceptance Notification (by email): April 1, 2010
– Conference Dates: August 27-29, 2010
– Full Paper Submissions (for both volumes) Due: December 1, 2010
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Huang Jianbin, or
Miss Xu Ying, or
Miss Tian Minjie
School of International Studies
Zhejiang University
388 Yuhangtang Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, PR CHINA
时间:2010年 8月27-29日
组织者:浙江大学人文学部 浙江大学语言与认知研究中心
美国纽约州立大学(奥尔巴尼)、《跨文化语用学》主编,Istvan Kecskes教授
1)英语。本次大会旨在探讨世界各地汉语作为第二语言的研究并向全世界介绍这些研究。英文论文将有可能入选“汉语作为第二语言研究”论文集,由Mouton de Gruyter出版;浙江大学出版的论文集也将选用英语写成的论文。
CASLAR( 2010)欢迎与汉语作为第二语言相关的理论和研究的来稿。请与会者准备20分钟的小组发言(15分钟发言及5分钟回答问题)。本次会议的主题包括但不限于:
5) 汉语作为第二语言习得的认知研究
6) 科技与作为第二语言的汉语研究
7) 汉语作为第二语言中的电脑中介传播
8) 汉语语法习得
9) 汉语词汇研究
10) 汉语作为第二语言中的语篇研究
11) 汉语作为第二语言汉语作为第二语言的教材设计
12) 汉语作为第二语言发展过程中的社会化概念
13) 汉字习得与认知;汉语学习动机研究
14) 汉语作为第二语言对母语的影响
15) 汉语作为第二语言习得中的文化作用
16) 汉语作为第二语言的教学
附件 2:论文摘要
-用Word文档,11号Times New Roman字体,一倍行距,两端对齐,左右边距为1英寸
来稿请以附件形式发送到:CASLAR [email protected],[email protected]
1)将选出16-20篇论文,结集为“汉语作为第二语言研究”论文集,由柏林/纽约的Mouton de Gruyter出版。本论文集语言为英语。
国家 1: £120/$200/E170
国家2: £90/$150/E130
国家 3: £60/$100/E85
国内与会者: RMB600
灵峰山庄地址:杭州市西湖区玉古路140号,电话号码:+86 571 87952568/87972456(浙大玉泉校区大门附近)
地址:杭州市西湖区玉古路138号,电话号码:+86 571 87982678
杭州是浙江省省会,是中国最重要的旅游城市之一。杭州有航班往返北京,上海,广州,深圳,桂林,福州,厦门,西安,大连,香港,澳门和其他国内各大城市。同时,杭州还有往返东京,大阪,首尔,釜山,马尼拉,吉隆波和新加坡的国际航班。机场离市中心27km。从机场到市中心的大巴车费为20 RMB。
上海浦东机场有直达杭州的大巴(全程约三小时),车费RMB85/100。从浦东国际机场到杭州的车次有:9:50am; 11:00am; 12:00am; 13:30pm; 15:30pm; 17:30pm; 19:30pm。从黄龙体育中心到上海的车次有:7:00am; 8:30am, 10:30am; 12:30am; 13:30pm; 14:30pm; 16:00pm。从15号出口出来,穿过马路走上楼梯,就能看见售票处。
也可以选择坐飞机到上海,然后再坐火车到城站火车站(或杭州火车东站)。从上海坐火车到杭州所需时间从一小时二十分钟到三小时不等,取决于坐的是哪趟火车。你可以乘出租车从机场到上海火车南站或上海火车站。在售票厅买票时,可以把出发的时间,日期,目的地,票数写在纸上给售票员以防出错。火车票的种类有:软卧,硬卧,软座,硬座。软座非常舒服。硬座是最低级别的,也最便宜。坐火车到杭州后可以乘出租车到灵峰山庄/百合花饭店/玉泉饭店(20 RMB左右)。请从网上下载中英文的饭店地址。若交流有问题,可以把地址给出租车司机看。
如果从国外坐飞机到杭州萧山机场,可以乘出租车到酒店,车费大约是RMB120,也可以坐机场大巴到市区。(从早上5:45到晚上8:00,每半个小时一班车)。之后可以打的到灵峰山庄/百合花饭店/玉泉饭店(15 RMB)。
如果你有任何问题,请与大会组织者联系,Email地址:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”> CASLAR [email protected]; [email protected]
中国浙江省杭州市 余杭塘路388号 浙江大学外语学院