CASLAR Conference

CASLAR is a biennial conference with the goal to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language to survey available knowledge in the field, exchange ideas and initiate research projects. The conference is a part of the CASLAR movement that aims to transform a field from a primarily experienced-and practice-based discipline into a discipline based on and supported by research and theory. The first CASLAR conference was held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China in 2010. Since then, the CASLAR conferences have been held at Taipei (2012), Parma (Italy,2014), Shanghai (2016), Hongkong (2018), and Washington D.C(2021).

Another means supporting the CASLAR movement is a new bilingual journal Chinese as a Second Language Research《汉语作为第二语言研究》published by De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin/New York. Copies of the journal will be available at the conference.
Website of the journal: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/caslar

7th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research
18th-19th August, 2023
Peking University