Become a Member
CASLAR is a non-profit organization. Anybody can be a member who agrees with the goals and vision of the organization. There is no membership fee. If you would like to be a member you should send a statement sent to [email protected] with information about name, affiliation, email address and interest. The Executive Board keeps a register with the names and addresses of the members and notifies them about developments in the organization.
CASLAR是一个非营利性研究组织。只要您赞同我们的研究目标和理念,就可以成为CASLAR会员,并无须交纳任何费用。如果您想成为CASLAR会员,请将入会意向发邮件至[email protected],并注明您的姓名、所任职单位、邮箱和研究方向。CASLAR执委会会把会员的姓名等信息登记入册,并及时告知会员CASLAR最新动向。